Jannie: Bleah!
Jannie stares
Jannie tiltsBrought my beloved girl for her full grooming today, I actually wanted it ont he 13th but Jansen could not take her looking like a white furball =(
At Vivocity, there was a huge argument between a group of teenagers and a Chinese American Expat family. A number of people witnessed the argument and I really admired the daughter and the mother of the expat family. The daughter actually pulled this teenager's hair, called her a bitch and her mother was like 'KICK HER! JUST THROW $50 AT HER LATER FOR FACIAL!'. I was seriously laughing so hard, I swear i wanted to pee. But to me, it was the teenagers' fault, they played with the volleyball, the ball hit the mother's head and instead of giving her an apology, they ran. So the mother stopped one of them and guess what, they shouted at the family and wanted to box the father! Their daughter was so fired up, I swear if the situation had gotten any worse, she would have kicked the girl. Anyway, i wish those teenagers the best of luck as the family wants to sue them and bring this up to authority.
I am so ashamed so be a Singaporean at times, my generation has really put Singapore to shame. Yes, we do have brains but our culture? At least if we fight for a reason like skin colour, it makes sense, but we're get intol petty little fights? Shameful! My generation is only good for a few things, namely complain and get physical. If we carry on like this, I don't think we can go far. Now you see why the brainy ones choose to study overseas...