Wednesday, November 7, 2007
The Elizabethan Collar (E Collar). Yes, my poor little Jannie is wearing it. Her rashes are back and this time, its pretty bad. Her whole tummy and hind legs have rashes! Brought her to the vet today, Dr. Cheryl just came back from her vacation so its no more Dr. Cathy. Dr. Cheryl said that the cause for her rashes are due to her environmental factors, but i clean her everytime when she comes up from her walk. Well maybe it was something really nasty that got on Lil Jan. The vet wasn't the worse part, Jannie screamed and yelled at the groomers while she was getting her nails cut. I finally know one thing that she hates. Haha. Lil Jan was really angry, she actaully gripped onto Kingly's spectacle frame and swinged her head, the next thing i knew, Kingly's spectacle went flying and it dropped on the floor. My little terror...Well she's sleeping now, after crying and whining over her E collar when i put it on. Going to look for her bed this Saturday since i kept her play pen already. Anyone wants a free play pen? =)