Jannie's 'God Mum 3' and 'God Dad 1'
Jannie's 'God Mum 3' and 'God Dad 1'
Jannie's 'God Mum 1'
This is a very random post, i've decided to introduce all of Jannie's Mums and Dads. =). Firstly, Jannie's mum and dad: Stephanie Nikki and Jansen. Secondly, Jannie's God mum 2 and God Dad 1:Lynn and Kaye. Thirdly, Jannie's God Mum 3: Melissa and finally God Mum 1: Wenny!
For those who are intersted in the derivation of the name Jannie. Here's the story. Initially, Jansen and I were walking around Vivocity, we didn't plan to get Jannie, but when we saw her, we were immediately BEWITCHED by Jannie. We wanted to reserve her for 1 hour, reason being we had to consider, but in the end, we just bought her on the spot. While Jannie was getting all cleaned up ready to be taken home, we were thinking of a name, i acutally wanted Dutchess, reason being Princess is too common! I have like 6 friends whom their furkids are named PRINCESS! But then, Dutchess didn't suit her character, this westie is too hyper and bubbly and affectionate. Then Jansen came up with Jannie, my parents wanted Snow White though. But Jannie responded to the name Jannie better. After a few weeks i noticed something, 'Jannie' is the combination of both Stephanie and Jansen. It has Jansen's "JAN" and Stephanie's "NIE". =) Contingency? Who knows?
More updates later, time to head to Pawtobello!